Note: Service still in development. Instabilities are possible.

Create, Read, Update and Delete whatever you want!

Build web or mobile applications performing CRUD operations with no back-end code.
Your REST endpoint is up and ready to receive GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.

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Here is what you can do

Action HTTP Payload URL Description
Create POST json /<resource> Create an entity represented by the JSON payload.
Read GET - /<resource> Get all entities from the resource.
Read GET - /<resource>/<id> Get a single entity.
Update PUT json /<resource>/<id> Update an entitiy with the JSON payload.
Delete DELETE - /<resource>/<id> Delete an entity.

Prefix all URLs with your unique REST endpoint
<resource> can be any REST resource name
<id> gets automatically generated for every entity you create

A unique API endpoint has been created for you at the address below. You can append any REST resource to it and issue a request. CrudCrud will automatically create the resource.

For example, let's say you are building a "Unicorn Farm" application and it needs to Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) unicorn records like this one:

{ "name":"Sparkle Angel", "age":2, "colour":"blue" }

To create a unicorn, your application needs to issue a POST request with the unicorn JSON payload to a REST API. The name unicorns sounds like a good name for the REST resource, so append it to your endpoint to get:

Every time you click the button a POST request will be sent to your endpoint to create a new unicorn. To get all unicorns created so far, you can issue a GET request using your browser by going to the address of the REST endpoint .

Note that every unicorn record gets a unique _id property generated by CrudCrud to make sure there is always a way to refer to individual objects. Use this identifier when you want to read (GET), update (PUT) or delete (DELETE) individual entities from your resources. See the Summary Table for details.

CrudCrud is perfect for:

It's simple

You take care of the client.
CrudCrud will take care of the REST.

Your REST endpoint is up and running, waiting for your requests.
Give it a try for free.

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